The court reduced a child support payment from $35,000 to $19,148.74 per month because the original amount improperly included support for another child. The revised amount reflects the actual needs of the child, and the case was remitted to adjust the arrears.
$2.275 Million
won on behalf of a Brooklyn woman who suffered brain damage after negligently treated in a hospital following a lumbar fusion procedure.
$2.25 Million
won on behalf of a Suffolk County man who suffered orthopedic and neurological injuries as the result of a motorcycle accident.
$1.98 Million
won on behalf of a Westchester County man who was injured while working at his job in Queens.
$1.675 Million
won for a Brooklyn woman on behalf of her newborn child who was injured during an untimely performed Cesarean section.
$1.4 Million
won on behalf of a family of a Bronx woman who died as a result of her doctor's failure to diagnose colon cancer.
$1.3 Million
won on behalf of a family of a Suffolk County man who was negligently treated in an emergency room resulting in his death from a blood clot.
$1.2 Million
won on behalf of a Nassau County man who sustained neurological injuries during a cardiac bypass surgery.
$1.25 Million
won on behalf of a family of a Bronx woman who died of a massive infection from questionable administration of antibiotics after Cesarean section.
$1.25 Million
won on behalf of a Queens County woman whose doctor failed to timely perform a Cesarean section on 28 week twins.
$1.05 Million
won on behalf of a Westchester County man who was negligently treated by his primary care physician, resulting in a fatal heart attack.
won on behalf of a New York man who was delayed diagnosis of bile peritonitis after removal of T-tube left from previous surgery.
won on behalf of a Westchester County infant who became profoundly deaf as a result of the negligence of White Plains Hospital in failing to timely admit her to the hospital and treat her emergency bacterial meningitis condition.
won on behalf of a Bronx man who sustained serious injuries as a result of his doctor's failure to diagnose a long standing and developing medical condition.
won on behalf of Nassau County woman who after partial mastecotomy suffered lymphedema and a compromised immune system.
won on behalf of a Suffolk County woman who sustained serious and ongoing medical procedures after her doctor failed to diagnose breast cancer.
won on behalf of a Suffolk County man who sustained serious injuries and ongoing treatment following a motor vehicle accident in a work vehicle.
won on behalf of a Suffolk County woman who sustained serious and life-threatening injuries after her doctor performed an unnecessary procedure, and failed to properly evaluate her biopsy and diagnostic studies.
won on behalf of a Nassau County pedestrian who sustained serious injuries after being struck by a motorist.
won on behalf of a Suffolk County woman who developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or RSD after tripping and falling in an office building stairwell.
won on behalf of a Staten Island woman who sustained a transection of the common bile duct during the performance of a gall bladder removal, resulting in permanent liver compromise.
won on behalf of a Suffolk County crossing guard who sustained a serious back injury as a result of a negligently applied paint surface on a crosswalk.
won on behalf of a Nassau County man who sustained significant back and leg injuries as a result of a negligently maintained bank parking lot.
won on behalf of a Nassau County woman who sustained significant injuries after her doctor failed to timely diagnose her Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or RSD, and failing to respond to complaints of post operative pain and discoloration​.